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2 Annotated Bibliographies 2 Annotated Bibliographies

Rights of the Unborn Child. (n.d.). Retrieved from


This article describes the controversy surrounding “right of the unborn child” and the main issue in the abortion debate has been complicated due to the lack of agreement in defining “when a fetus becomes a person” and “acquires rights that can protect it from harm”. Thus, people hold different views on whether or not a fetus should be protected which raised a question “what right, if any, do the unborn have under international law?”

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 is founded upon the notion that there are human values and these values are inherent in the human individual. It raised another question, does this right to life extend to the unborn child? When the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 was being drafted there were several proposals for the provision of an explicit protection for the unborn child. These proposals were certainly debated. The text clearly states that everyone has the right to life, and that what is meant by everyone is “every member of the human family,” that is, all human beings. There was an opposition based on the basis “that an unborn child is not literally a person whose rights could already be protected, and that the main thrust of the Convention was deemed to promulgate the rights and freedoms of every human being after his birth and to the age of 18 years.”

This article focuses on the concepts of personhood based upon science and on the right of an unborn child under international law. In spite of this, this article provides opposing sides and  useful background information to support my thesis. This article provided further understanding on the topic of right of the unborn child which can be protected, only and only if, a mother doesn’t want an abortion.

When Human Life Begins. (2017, April 17). Retrieved from



This article describes the controversy surrounding “when human life begins” and what is controversial is whether single-celled embryo considered as human being or not?  people, who believe that life begins at conception(fertilization), the moment when an egg is fertilized are against any stages of abortion (Pro-life). Those who claim that an embryo or fetus is not a person until the time of birth are pro-choice” (Abortion). Many pro-choice advocates argue that a fetus is a person, but it lacks the qualities of a human being and should not be protected. Pro-life advocates argue the moment a child is conceived, the child is a human. Some people doesn’t count conception as a beginning of human life by arguing that “the sperm and egg combine to form a genetically unique cell? This raises a question that whether this unique cell considered as human life? Another opposition has made is that it takes 24 hours for the first cell division to occur from the moment of conception. When during this 24 hours does, a new human life begin? This statement aims to clarify this issue and came up with a result that single-celled embryo is a living human being.

This article focuses on the concepts of conception and provide enough information to prove that human life begins at the moment of conception and single celled embryo does consider as a living being based upon science. In spite of this, this article provides opposing sides and  useful background information to support my thesis.